Dr. Declan Devereux & Associates
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Keeping Your Teeth Healthy During The Holidays
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Keeping Your Teeth Healthy During The Holidays
As we enter the holiday season, family meal gatherings and office and friends parties are just around the corner. While we love seeing our patients, we are most certain that they would rather avoid any emergency trips to the dentist. Although we are ready for that if necessary. (Read more about our Emergency Services)
Here are some tips to keep your teeth healthy during the holidays:
1. Avoid chewing on hard candy and chewy treats that stick to your teeth. Crunching on hard candy can crack or chip your teeth. Instead, savor the treat and let it dissolve naturally in your mouth. Also, eat chewy treats sparingly if possible. Sticky substances can flight to your tooth enamel and help bring about tooth decay. Thick candies like taffy or caramel can even pull out your fillings.
2. Go with fruits and veggies - If at all possible, try skipping the sweets and treats and instead, dip into the veggie or fruit tray. Brocolli and carrots have lots of Vitamin A which strengthens your enamel. Fruits like apples and pears have high water content, which dilutes the effects of the sugars they contain, and stimulate the flow of saliva (which helps protect against tooth decay).
3. Watch what you drink. Sugary substances like sodas are never good for your teeth. Acids and sugars of soft drinks can soften tooth enamel, which can create cavities. If you must drink, use a straw to keep of the acid off your teeth.
4. Red wine can stain your teeth. If you like the occasional red, take it with food to lessen how much of it gets on your teeth. Choose cheese as a snack to go with your wine. The pH balancing effects help neutralize the acid that's in alcoholic beverages. Plus, calcium in cheese is good for your teeth. Of course, be sure to brush well after every meal.
5. Don't open packages with your teeth. Using your teeth to rip open packages or bottle caps is not a good idea. You can crack your teeth and require a painful and expensive procedure to correct it (plus, an emergency root canal and crown is no fun during the holidays!). Use scissors or bottle openings instead. Also, don't crack nuts with your teeth either. The hard surface of most nutshells may crack your teeth or cause gum damage.
6. Brush well - Needless to say, you should brush your teeth after a meal. Make sure you brush for about two minutes and brush your tongue as well.
For more dental tips and resources, visit our website today.
General Dentistry General dentists provide services related to the general maintenance of oral hygiene and tooth health. |
Cosmetic Dentistry Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of a person's teeth, mouth and smile. |
Reconstructive & Restorative Dentistry Restore all necessary functions of the teeth and supporting structure. |
Orthodontics Orthodontic treatments like braces and Invisalign are not only for pre-teens and teens, but for adults as well. |
Invisalign in Honolulu Invisalign are not only for pre-teens and teens, but for adults as well. |
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